Contextual Essay

For my digital artefact, I attempted to create virtual reality using a program called Unity. I was aiming to teach myself through self-exploration and also through Youtube tutorials, and documenting my successes, failures and just overall progress through a series of blog posts. My main goal was to try and make a house, however this aim changed as I progressed with my digital artefact and I realised that I wanted to create a virtual city, so a virtual reality environment in other words, rather than one specific thing. While undertaking this, I wanted to use my experience to teach others about using Unity and also quite possibly educate them on virtual reality.

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BCM325 – Live Tweeting Prompts

For the last seven weeks or so, I’ve been participating in a little thing called live-tweeting.

This was for one of my university classes where I was able to live-tweet different science fiction films we were watching, leading to major collaboration, discussion and interaction with my classmates.

For this blog post, I’m going to discuss the experience and what I gained during the process, by curating my tweets, and even my classmates tweets in a week by week structure.

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Virtual Reality for Dummies Part 2










In my previous blog post, I briefly discussed the concept of virtual reality, and my curiosities towards trying to create it. This is based on a project I’m undertaking at university as part of my digital artefact (you can come to think of it as an electronic research project, where I’m given capabilities to explore different media and mediums, and also create some really cool and innovative stuff).

Continue reading “Virtual Reality for Dummies Part 2”