Game of Phones


The choice between Apple and Android for us users is an ongoing issue, however this is not exactly a choice between the two brands per se, it’s the choice between an open sourced platform and a closed one.

An open platform essentially allows users to have control over the platform and device, and gives them the opportunity to modify the software free of charge. A closed platform is the opposite, where the corporation that creates the device – for example Apple – have complete control over the software, the device, the layout, the app store etc. and essentially create what is known as a walled garden (Saltis, 2018).

As discussed in my previous blog post, a walled garden occurs on closed source platforms where users engage in software that is controlled by the corporation that owns it. Essentially, it protects users from viruses and the like, otherwise known as the ‘big bad web.’

The thing to keep in mind here is that none of these platforms are good or bad, or that Android is better than Apple and so forth. It’s entirely up to us as the users to choose between the comfort of a walled garden that Apple provides, or the freedom to be able to modify the software free of charge that Android so readily allows (Mitew, 2017).



Mitew, T 2017, ‘Apple iOS vs Google Android,’ lecture slides week 7, BCM206, University of Wollongong, viewed 9 September 2018.

Saltis, S 2018, ‘Comparing Open Source Software vs Closed Source Software,’ Core dna, 2 August, viewed 9 September 2018,



6 thoughts on “Game of Phones

  1. Did you know that the two most popular phone brands in the world rely on the Android operating system?
    Apple’s choice to keep the IOS platform to themselves has been an attempt to keep their products ‘special’ and independent. I myself have an iPhone and I prefer the IOS operating system to Android, however the fact Android is freely available to modify has now created a world of phones by different manufacturers that all share a version of the same operating system. Whether this is a positive or negative is up for debate but it is impressive to think this one operating system has spread to so many popular brands.
    You can check out the research data from last year here, however it’s important to note that Huawei has since overtaken Apple.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome Post! I think you’ve done an excellent job at linking how apple and android are a closed and open platform respectively. This provides a clear, concise comparison for the reader. I also like the reference to your previous post which ties in with the ‘walled garden’ effect, which conveys the link between a lot of the content we are studying. I would have liked to hear your input on what you think are some of the positives/negative or whether you prefer IOS or Android and maybe why? Apart from that, awesome post! Cheers.


    1. Hey Alex,
      Thanks for the feedback and comment, I appreciate it.
      In terms of the IOS/Android opinion I’m more of an Apple user, I value comfort in the fact that every model is essentially the same and I don’t need to learn how to use my phone or laptop etc. whenever I upgrade. I’m a very basic user, so closed platforms are fine for me. I didn’t put this in just because I didn’t really know how to link it but I hope this clarifies some points for you.
      Once again thanks!


  3. Hi Tanae,

    Really good blog post, you not only clearly explained and outlined both Apple and Android but you also linked one of your previous posts to draw your readers to it. As well as including multiple other links as well for others to investigate further.
    The layout is easy to follow and understand, and is not overcrowded.
    I also like the fact that you didn’t take a side (non bias). The debate between there two platforms basically pits both against each other, so it is refreshing to read something that doesn’t call one bad and the other good (regardless of whether you think one is better).
    I also really like your blogs title and picture, there are both funny and eye catching, which draws people in.
    The only suggestion I would make would be to increase the number of tags. The more you have the more visitors you may get.
    Aside from that great blog.


  4. Hi Tanae! Great work with this blog, you clearly explained the concept of android being an open platform and apple being a closed platform. This really helped me further understand this topic. Good work linking last weeks topic the wall garden to this weeks as well. My only suggestion would be to put some of your own opinions into the blog as well. eg. would you prefer an open or closed platform? Awesome remediation too!


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